Creation of Andorra Selected, a brand to attract visitors with high purchasing power
Andorra Turisme is promoting the Andorra Selected project to improve and internationalise the profile of tourists who visit the country.
Its purpose is to encourage this type of tourist to spend longer in the country and to increase their average expenditure. For Andorra to appeal to this type of visitor, hard work is required on communication, improvement and the growth of existing services as well as creating new business opportunities within this premium segment.
This was the view presented by the Minister of Tourism and Telecommunications, Jordi Torres, and the General Director of Andorra Turisme, Betim Budzaku, during this afternoon's presentation of the new project.
Andorra Selected participation requirements
Companies taking part in this project must be recognised by international brands, offer their services in at least four languages (Catalan, Spanish, English and French), have a high-quality product and customer service, apply internal quality policies, perform ongoing internal audits and implement sustainability policies.
These criteria are applicable to all types of establishments which include:
- Accommodation
- Companies offering food and wine, cultural, shopping, leisure sports, wellness and beauty experiences
- Destination management agenciesTransport and service companies.
International jury with industry experts
To independently monitor these establishments an international jury has been selected with five experts from the following sectors: hospitality, the media, destination management companies, and gastronomy.
In addition to this jury, expert facilitators and specialists in premium tourism with a long professional career will also be involved.
Non-voting members of a Supervisory Committee formed by Andorra Turisme, and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services and the CEA (Andorran Business Confederation) will supervise the proper operation and independence of the project.
Starting point and upcoming activities
The project has been working in recent months to define the overall and specific criteria according to type. Possible members have meanwhile been analysed by segment and an international professional jury, which will be regularly renewed, has been appointed.
This summer, Andorran companies interested in being part of the project that meet the overall specific criteria for the member type will receive a Mystery Guest. The jury will analyse the Mystery Guest's reports on the audited candidates for the project to suggest the initial members at the end of the summer.
There will two periods to select and validate candidates for Andorra Selected: June and October. Additionally, there will be an annual review of affiliated members with a view to maintaining high-quality standards.
The first marketing activities will be launched in October. Andorra Selected will attend the Adventure Travel World Summit fair in Lugano, Switzerland, 3-6 October. It will also attend Loop Mice in Tirol, Germany, 13-16 November and ILTM in Cannes, France, 5-8 December.
Commercial activities planned to launch this new project will include roadshows in Barcelona, Madrid and Paris from January to March.
Activities will be backed up through the different press trips scheduled in Andorra for press and specialised magazines from France and Spain.